Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Left-ed on the bus

I went to pick up Skyler from school today and as I was playing with my youngest I looked on my phone and I notice it was 10 minutes after the bus should have gotten there I called the school because we are the first bus stop and they told me that the bus is coming and they should be here any minute oh OK so I see the bus but he keeps going and not even stop, So I called the school again to let them know that he never stopped she told me that for the first stop they took all the kids  off and put them on a different bus I guess over flow by now I am pissed off that no one let us know what the hell was going on with our kids....So the other bus got there and my son wasn't on there and a little boy that is in the 5th grade let me know that Skyler was on the other bus So I called my husband up mad as hell that know one knew where my son was expect for the boy. So the bus driver started to call around to find my son, to find out that there are two other kids that got lost on this other bus too. the other bus driver finely showed up with our kids and he didn't even say I am Sorry which I am still mad about. and to top it off he lost another tooth at school and now he doesn't know where is went :(

Sunday, September 18, 2011

The 1st Grade!

Skyler started the 1st grade, he is in all day school I am glad that he has his day to play and learn But I sure do miss him. I didn't realize that my 5 year is going to be the youngest in his class but he is so smart that I know that he is trying he has a great teacher this year so I hope that she is helping him out I cant wait to see what he has been doing at school.
   Well I am now raising my boys on my own my husband will send money but I am doing this with out him, I don't know how long he is going to be don't or even if he is coming back just wish me luck.

Now with Logan he has been sick for the last couple of days how much time fly by when you are stressed lol, my baby's are growing up before my eye and I really don't want to miss a thing but I cant go to school with Skyler and with Logan he is with me all day and I am glad or I wouldn't know what to do.

Sunday, June 12, 2011


My oldest Skyler graduate from Kindergarten on Friday yay right? Nope he is a hand full he is 5 and the light of my life but when it comes to him being at home with me all day he is all boy, crazy! Its to the point of I don't know what I am going to do about SUMMER time 3 whole months of being with me AGGGG I also have a almost 2 year old at home too he is my good baby quite, lovable all he wants to do is be with me all day long oh wait that would be a good thing but Logan is on me, if he isn't on me then he is on my feet under me, it really is driving me crazy.

So this Summer is going to be a long summer with those too. I will keep you posted!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

May 1st, 2010

    Another game has past and his time it wasn't that bad, Skyler did listen for the most part. I was talking to another mom on the team and she is having the some problem that we have with the coach, we can tell the couch really doesn't like some of the kids and that the kids that he doesn't like is our kids its driving us crazy.

    So after the game we walked around Wal-mart and I see that my husband is paying things that he wants like a coffee maker and some shorts and then when I want to buy something he tells me that we dont have that kind of money, I think that I am use to it by now, we should be getting good money soon and I am going to go out and get whatever I want, because it is getting to that point that if I want something I have to buy it myself and stop waiting around for it, It might take a couple of years.

    So right now it is 12:26 pm and I look around my house and think to myself  WOW this house is a mess because I couldnt find a green sock for Skyler baseball clothes, and I dont want to clean the house, and on top of that I have to wash some clothes to agggg , I am off to do some house work wish me luck :)

Friday, April 30, 2010

Wow what a day!

I didn't get any kind of sleep last night because of my wonderful 9 month old, So i woke up in a bad mood and I get on everyone in my family case for doing little thing that they do. So I was trying to get some sleep around 7 am and my 4 year walks in and says I'm hungry and he does this thing that he will repeat everything over and over so that got me more mad. So i got up and made him something. So after my husband got up and layed back down I needed a break will when I did my 9 month old woke up from his 3 hour nap.

               From then on I have been to Target and Stater Brothers and then some dinner, but after that that I am so tried. I want to go to bed but I can not until my boys are in bed and that's in a hour.
Tomorrow we have another game oh boy cant wait lol, its one of those things that I am so glad that he doing and I love being a baseball mom but I just cant stand the coach that he has and his wife, they think that they are better then everyone but they are not, and there kid wow what a piece of work I do feel sorry for the kid because of his parents. I don't know how Skyler is going to do, I bought him a toy in hopes that he will play good he is not going to have it until after the game so I know that he will be good.

             I was just thinking I want to get away with my family but I have no idea where, we have family everywhere and I know that my brother in law and his girlfriend would love to see us they are up in Portland, Or, I just want out! but right now my husband has School and Skyler has baseball so I don't know when we can do it. or maybe just a day that we can go to the beach and hang out with my sister in law that live closer to us.
             I need a break from my house work, the laundry. I want to have fun.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

My boys

My husband, thew love of my life, my world lol, I just laugh to myself because even though I say that I do mean it, if it was for him I wouldn't have my boys and the life that I have now. We do get into fights but we are working though that I think? he he a great dad sometimes he has his times that I wish that he can help more.

This is my 4 year old, He is my hand full, he knows how to get to me to make me mad, but for the most part he is a good kid. Right now he is baseball yea good for him right? wrong, the coach will not work with him and so I get mad and I know that Skyler loves hang out with other little kids so I don't really want to pull him out of baseball because of the coach. Skyler will start school in July and baseball will end in June. You guys will learn about baseball soon

My 9 month old Logan, he is a funny little guy, he started crawling around 6 months so he can hang out with is big brother and in that same time frame he pulled himself up (standing with help) and walking around the couch and the coffee table. he just turn 9 months and the 20th and now he is trying to WALK, I am not ready for that :( but he doesn't stand by himself yet so I think I might have some time for him walking.

The Beginning!

Hello everyone, My name is Jennifer, I am 26 and I have 2 handsome little boys and I have been married for 5 years now, for the most part my life has been a hand full of up's and downs.
           I meet my husband when I was 6 he was the boy that always wanted to play he lived down the street to me and he was always over my house. When we were growing up we always had something thing to say to each other even if was a " Hi, How are you?" kind of thing. Then High school came long we Stayed pretty good friend he made fun of me and I made fun of him. In Jr. year I moved it was the hardest time for me because I didn't know anyone ( I don't make friends that easy) I was 17, So i lost my best friend, pretty much everyone that I grew up with that was in 2001, That was the last time I saw Damien.

             I email him and let him know what was going on in my world and he let me know what was going on in his little world we would talk about anything and everything. and then I didn't hear from him in 3 months, and he wrote me saying Happy birthday and to find out he joined the Marines I thought that was great for him...We started more and more about what was going on and to find out that he was in Japan. He asked me out I was so happy because I know that if he ever asked me out I knew that he was the one ( growing up I have always liked him) well the kicker was I haven't seen him in 4 years I had know idea what he looked liked and and he had know idea what I looked like but for me I never changed I looked the same. On January 22, of 2005 I saw him for the first time in 4 years and all I could say was "WOW, he has changed, in a good way :)"

         Then I found out I was pregnant in the beginning of March, we have talked about having kids and we wanted to have kids right away so it worked out we got married on March 21st, of 2005, we had our first son on December 2 of 2005 we named him Skyler.

           On February 2 nd of 2006 My husband left for Iraq that was the day I became a single mother of one my son was only two months. My husband come home 7 months later when my son was 9 months it was very hard for him to see Skyler like that but he knew who is daddy was.

I am going to skip a couple of years

We have had some really hard time and some times we thought we would never make it. That's when i found out I was pregnant for the second time that was in the end of November, we had our second boy on July 20th of 2009 when Skyler was 3 1/2.

We now live in Southern California, in a small house but for once I am happy with life because I do have my husband and my 4 year old and my 9 month old!

This blog is about my life and what goes on I sometimes just need to talk and my husband doesn't want to hear it. I don't have anyone that I call a really good friend anymore. So I just need to get it out in the open.